Current Studio

For two years now today, I’ve been living and working at this former farmhouse, right next to the WUR (Wageningen University & Research) campus. Acting as a SLAK Ateliers anti-squat caretaker once more until it’s demolition time…

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July 1st, 2023
, Posted in Studio

Standplaats Arnhem

Portrait by Sophie Vermeulen for Standplaats Arnhem, a publication initiated by Arno de Blank announced for April 2023.

December 7th, 2022
, Posted in In the Press

About Paper

Interview (text in Dutch) with De Monsterkamer about the use of paper in my practise.

October 1st, 2021
, Posted in Materials, Interviews


“Harmen Liemburg (1966) originally trained as a cartographer. In search of a way to increase his opportunities for expression in the graphic field, Liemburg eventually enrolled at Amsterdam’s Gerrit Rietveld Academy. He became part of a new generation of designers, one closely connected to the world of visual arts, museums and education. In many ways, Liemburg is an artist in the traditional sense. Obsessed with screen printing, he uses the medium to create a variety of unexpected results.”
Edo Smitshuijzen

January 1st, 2021
, Posted in Bio


Photography Isabella Rosendaal.

Hello, my name is Harmen Liemburg. I’m an artist/graphic designer/screenprinter, working for both clients and on self initiated projects.

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January 1st, 2021
, Posted in Profile

HNI webcover

Every week, Het Nieuwe Instituut invites a designer to create a cover for the website in response to the question: What’s occupying you now?

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July 2nd, 2020
, Posted in Interviews, Other projects

Mosa case-study

Mosa, the manufacturer of the ceramic tiles used for Flyways in the Noord/Zuidlijn, published a Case-study about Flyways.

Read Mosa Notes Issue 2/ Spring 2019 in ‘t Nederlands or English.

June 7th, 2019
, Posted in In the Press

Verbeelding Onderweg

First copy presented to city counsillor for Art & Culture Touria Meliani (second right). Photography Odi Busman.

Presentation of Verbeelding Onderweg (Imagination in Transit), a publication documenting the art projects in the new Amsterdam subway line.

Title Verbeelding Onderweg – Kunst in de Noord/Zuidlijn
Concept, art direction & realization Smel design agency, Edgar Smaling & Carlo Elias
Text Edo Dijksterhuis
Photography Gert Jan van Rooij, Jorrit ‘t Hoen
Publication Metro en Tram, gemeente Amsterdam

March 29th, 2019
, Posted in In the Press

Dutch Posters 1997-2017

Work featured in Dutch Posters 1997-2017 A selection by Anthon Beeke

In 1997 Anthon Beeke (1940 – 2018) published Dutch Posters 1960-1996. Meanwhile this book has become a collecters item. Since then, no other overview on Dutch posters design has been published. According to Janneke Smale en Omar Saiid, the initiators of this publication, A good moment to come up with Part 2.

More information:

October 28th, 2018
, Posted in In the Press

Flyways in NRC

Hij zag Waterland en het station kreeg vogels, text (in Dutch) Kester Freriks in NRC Handelsblad, 20 mei 2018.

May 20th, 2018
, Posted in In the Press