New Graphic Magazine
Contribution made for New Graphic Magazine (China) about recent projects and process.
Text & Design Harmen Liemburg
Everything looked promising but the magazine was mysteriously discontinued summer 2012 for reasons unknown to me.
Some of the pages were later used for publication in Add Magazine, Fall 2012.
The Boring Issue Interview
For #6 – The Boring Issue, O.K. Periodicals asked me about the 2008 project in the Smith-Lesouëf library (France).
Interview in DPI Magazine
Interview in Design Popular Imagination = DPI Magazine (Taiwan), Spring 2011
Interview in AIAPZINE
Interview through email in the web-zine of Associazone Italiana Progettazione per la Comunicazione Visiva (AIAP), February 2011.
Graphic Design Worlds in Wallpaper
Malaika Byng reporting from Milan for Wallpaper (article and slideshow), January 31, 2011
Interview in Graphic Design Worlds/ Words
Interview by Maddalena Dalla Mura, published in Graphic Design Worlds/Words.
To students looking for an internship
As a soloist with a small studio at home, often working on location, I’ve never felt the need to have an intern for a longer period of time. Most of the work I do needs to be done by myself within my own atmosphere. I just wouldn’t know how to keep you busy all day day long…
I’m always open to meeting people and looking at portfolios though. If you happen to be in the area, and I’m not too busy, please drop by for a visit!
GRAPHIC Magazine #15 – Printing journal
Contribution to GRAPHIC #15 – Printing Journal (Fall 2010).
Text & Design Harmen Liemburg
Back to the Future
Cover, +90 degrees
Back to the Future, Étienne Hervy about Black Current in Étapes 15, winter 2009.