RGB Testing
RGBlisss… Trying out waterbased prisma inks. Not yet what it could be, but a promising start! 3 colour screenprint on black 300 g/m2 Facta, 30 x 40 cm, 2023.
Merz Depth
Depth. Screenprinting Projectweek at Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, December 5-9, 2022.
Initiated by Joost Bottema. Many thanks to: Lars Lenhardt (Siebdruck Werkstattleiter); Marcus Haffner (Printlab Werkstattleiter); Joachim Herter (Former Siebdruck Werkstatteiter); Erasmus+ (Financial support).
Weaving Experiments
Weaving experiments made at the TextielMuseum, Tilburg, June 13 and 14, 2022. Working together with multitalent Jos Klarenbeek, part time developer at the marvellous TextielLab.
Werkperiode Plaatsmaken

After having used screenprinting intensively for over 20 years, I’m curious about other materials and techniques. Last year, during a working period at Plaatsmaken, Arnhem, I investgated the possibilities of etching. A report (text in Dutch).
M is for Manual
M is for Manual, print 1 of 3.
Grind the Gap project
Photopolymer plate etching
with Laura Casas Valle at Plaatsmaken
3 copies of each 3 designs
Graphic Matters festival Breda, September 22 – October 22, 2017.
Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven October 21 -29, 2017.
(In)discernible (Ir)regularities
My first ‘Magical’ Riso print ever, based on photographs taken earlier this year at InkstStation. Tastes like more!
Dusky Bird – 2/3 – Process
Nightjar in woodgravure, from Brehm A.E. (ca. 1911). Das Leben der Tieren, found in the library of Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis in Leiden.
Dusky Bird process, part of the 2016 Grind the Gap project.
What the Art?! Video
What the Art? A series of short TV portraits of Dutch designers and artists.
Aflevering 2 – Harmen Liemburg (grafische vormgeving)
Watch What the Art?! video (Dutch spoken, English subtitles)
Made by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Blikopeners (young people age 15 -19 participating in museum activities), with Avro Kunstuur.
Nederlands Steendrukmuseum
Lithographers at work, around 1890. Image from Het Nederlands Steendrukmuseum.
Text Harmen Liemburg (in Dutch) for Items Magazine 1/2012.
Kleur in het alledaagse leven
Vanaf de uitvinding van de machinale produktie van papier en het drukken door middel van losse letters rond 1400, werd voor de produktie van drukwerk voor bijna 400 jaar overwegend gebruik gemaakt van hoog- en diepdruk. In 1796 komt daar verandering in als de 25 jarige Aloys Senefelder, zoekend naar een manier om teksten voor een toneelstuk in eigen beheer te vermenigvuldigen, de ‘chemische drukkerij’ ofwel de vlakdruk ontdekt.
Ready To Print
Text (in Dutch) Harmen Liemburg for Items 5/2011.
Linking analogue printing techniques to current digital tools, this publications replaces may outdated handbooks.